P9 Portfolio

  1. Project Corrections / Time spent: I spent about 3 hours doing my PhotoDesign project (I missed it initially, so I made up for it for the portfolio)
  2. Message: I am able and willing to perform at any task put to me.
  3. Audience: Future Employers
  4. Top Thing Learned: The Adobe Suite is a wonderfully powerful set of tools.
  5. Future application of Visual Media: I am a web designer/developer, so I will use these skills to continue my craft. They’ve already helped me in a site I’m building this semester.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Blue, white and tan. Complimentary.
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Engravers MT – Oldstyle
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Arial – Sans-Serif
  9. Thumbnails of Images used:
  10. Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):

Project 8: Brochure

Outside – Center Fold




  1. Description: Web Developer convention/conference
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I made a quick logo in Illustrator, which is the little yellow circle with the arrow in it. The rest is all in InDesign. It started pretty bland, there were none of those little white lines cutting up the blue boxes, and after that there was no orange carried through the brochure despite there being a little bit in the logo. So I added little orange sections to each of the blue sections which I think really helped things out. I arranged and pointed the logo inside the document in ways to create an obvious flow through the document.
  3. Message: Develop your online presence or modify your existing one – beginner through advanced.
  4. Audience: Anyone interested in learning more about Web Development.
  5. Top Thing Learned: Brochures are complicated. You have to keep every aspect of the entire document in mind every time you make a change or edit.
  6. Color scheme and color names: No name for the scheme, the colors are Cyan, Yellow, and Orange.
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Impact – Sans Serif
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Minion Pro – Old style
  9. Word Count of copy: 250+
  10. Thumbnails of Images used:
  11. Sources (Links to images on original websites)

P7 Web Page


  1. Description: The Spectacled Owl Bookstore Home Page
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Sublime Text 3, Illustrator (for the logo), FireFox and Chrome for testing, HTML5 and CSS. I already create websites, this one was very minimal. I left the colors as fairly neutral, and easy to read, while adding little accents for the main color from the logo. The CSS was simple, just colors and alignments with simple font-family declarations – no special or custom fonts.
  3. Message: The path and process of creating the logo
  4. Audience: COMM 130
  5. Top Thing Learned: Don’t wait until the last moment
  6. Color scheme and color hex(s): html background color – A0A0A0, body background color – EEEEEE, main header background color and logo color as well as sub header font color – 442710, body copy color 303030
  7. Title Font Families & Category: Times New Roman, Georgia
  8. Copy Font Families & Category:  Arial, sans-serif
  9. Changes made to the CSS: colors, alignments, body width, font families, and border-radii.
  10. Word Count: 203

Project 6 Stationary


  1. Description: Spectacled Owl Bookstore Stationary Project.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator.
  3. Message: The spectacled owl is an academically focused bookstore, they specialize in educational, and any literature that promotes wisdom
  4. Audience: Anyone looking to learn
  5. Top Thing Learned: Logos are hard, it’s a delicate balance between being simple and complicated.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Brown
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Bookman Old Style – Old style
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Arial – sans serif

Project 1 Flier



  • This is a flier for a Leadership conference for collage graduates.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): 

  • I used Adobe InDesign to recreate and polish the sketch I made from the first FOCUS section. I then tried a few alternative styling options, to make sure the white space was handled well, and there was a good amount of contrast and flow.


  • Professional level conference for graduates to help gain leadership skills


  • College Graduates

Top Thing Learned: 

  • White space management and importance

Title Font Name & Category:

  • Elephant, Modern

Copy Font Name & Category:

  • Arial, Sans-Serif

Links to images used in this project: